housewives don't have it easy

June 22, 2010
So Simon (and some other people) have complained that my posts are too long & are always about God. So, I guess I'll write on something different this one time, and it'll be short :P

People seem to have this idea that housewives have all the time in the world, and they often ask me what my mom does in her free time (since she's a housewife). However, contrary to popular opinion, housewives do not have a lot of free time. It's like any other full time, paid job (but this is unpaid), except you don't get much appreciation (no promotions or bonuses or applause), unless you have a considerate husband, and cute understanding kids like yours truly &her brother. (jk, not really) Today, I finally had a free day with no plans whatsoever, and so I decided to wake up early and I got to help my mom out throughout the entire day. So my day went something like this:
9:30AM - wake up
(qt, breakfast for 30 min)
10AM - off to the park with mom to take a daily stroll
11AM - off to 99 ranch and henry's to get groceries (this takes a good two hours...)
1 PM - lunch time
1:30 PM - I fall asleep on the couch out of sheer tiredness + waking up early while mom cleared the table
2:30 PM - free time while mom naps. webchat with friends & watched a bit of a movie
4:00 PM - help mom cook dinner
6:00 PM - dad comes home, eat dinner
6:30 PM - I KO on the couch again....
7:00 PM - josh gets back from internship; I start clearing the table, washing dishes, and folding laundry until 8.

So conclusion? Not much free time; I got it easy today too. My mom has me and josh, two grown kids, who can help out around the house. Imagine having younger kids, and having to send them off to school, get them from school, make sure they do their hw, take care of them when they're sick, pack them lunches, etc... o_o My mom wakes up at like 7 AM to make breakfast and such, I missed that shift obviously...And all the times I KO-ed on the couch? Quite sure she was putting away dishes, other random house chores, etc. So again, got a bit more 'free time.' I believe I had a LOT more free time as an intern, than I did today. As an intern, I got to surf the web, read news, blog, read the Bible / random articles, and listen to sermons/music for probably a good 5 out of the 8 hours I worked; and I got paid with both money & praises for my work. Today, I got to surf the web for about.. 2 hours, and for all that was done? Pretty much behind the scenes stuff. We really do under-appreciate our moms. Comparing the two lifestyles, I believe I was equally tired. But it was nice. I appreciate what my mom does, and I definitely understand how tiring it can be to take care of a household. I can't even imagine working AND taking care of a household; no wonder working women today have such high stress levels... So appreciate your mothers for what they do for you (which is a lot, and is often underestimated and underrated), and if you still can't understand how tiring it is for them, help your mom out for an entire day once. And be a bit more considerate in helping around the house, they'll love you for it :)

Now, I'm going to take advantage of my student status, and watch ponyo with valerie while playing some bejeweled. WHOOOOOOOOOO. oh yeah, and then read &listen to some Jesus stuff of course. haha. welcome to the good life indeed :)


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