in God we trust

April 10, 2013
"...but those who trust in the LORD will prosper." Prov 28: 25b
"Those who trust in themselves are fools..." Prov 28:26a
Who do we trust? It's easy to say that we trust in God, but do we really? I've realized that in my life, there's so much that I still want to control and that I still think I can control. After God teaches me to trust in Him with event A, then there comes an event B where I have to once again let go and trust that God will provide and will lead. 
"...being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised." Rom 4:21
I love this verse. It sounds so intuitive right? If God promised, why wouldn't He have the power to bring it about? But I like that the verse says 'being fully persuaded' (in the ESV, it says 'being fully convinced'). We're sinful human beings, knowing, believing and trusting that God -Almighty God- has the power to do what He has promised is surprisingly and yet not surprisingly a difficult task for us all, and something in which we have to grow and learn on a daily basis. 
Trusting in God is something that should come naturally if we are fully convinced/persuaded of His power, His wisdom, and His truthfulness in making promises. Typically, I suppose we falter in our understanding in one of these areas and so we struggle with trusting God. Do we fully believe that He who raised Christ from the dead has the power to make the impossible possible? Do we fully believe that He who created the heavens & the earth and set in motion from the beginning His amazing plan for our redemption and His glory has the wisdom to guide and lead us in each situation? Or do we think we know better? Do we fully believe that what God promises, He will and can bring about? 
Sometimes, I trust God with the big picture -- but I get caught up in trying to work out the details on my own. And then I realize, after much tiring effort and frustrating moments, that well, I'm not in control, and how good of a fact that is -- because God is in control, He is sovereign, and He cares not only for the big picture, but also the details. How freeing! Such joy and peace comes about when we would only dwell upon the fact that our God is sovereign, our God loves us, and He has the power to do all that He has promised and willed. We don't have to worry; we don't have to fret. 
"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God." Psalm 20:7
Too often, I trust in my own 'skills', my own 'wisdom', my own abilities. But thank God that He is greater than all this and that He is leading me into a greater understanding of who He is and who I am in Him. And then it becomes so natural, so freeing to simply trust in God my Father with all that I am - my past, my present, and my future and to be fully convinced that He who is leading me has the power and wisdom to do what He has willed for His glory in my life.


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