food for thought - everything that contaminates

July 29, 2011
Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. (2 corinth. 7:1)
This is one of my all-time favorite verses. I wonder if we/I take this verse seriously enough though. In the NIV, it says to purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit. To purify and cleanse ourselves from anything and everything that contaminates and defiles our flesh and spirit. We often think in terms of 'is this right or wrong?', 'does the Bible forbid me? if not, it must be okay', 'but the Bible doesn't forbid it!'. But I believe that is a mindset only suitable for infants in Christ. As we grow, as we mature, we realize that in the spiritual warfare we so often forget we're in, it is no longer about what is right and wrong, but about what contaminates and what doesn't, what perfects us in holiness and what doesn't, what makes us more Christ-like and what doesn't.

So when it comes to the entertainment we allow ourselves to immerse in, watch and listen to, may we remember to ask ourselves, "will this defile my mind and spirit? or will it make me more Christ-like?" An easy way is often just to ask yourself if you'd let a child watch or listen to that entertainment; if not, why do you allow yourself, a child of God to watch or listen? When it comes to the things we eat or drink, may we ask ourselves, "is this defiling my body, the temple of God? Or will this help me to be healthy physically that I may better serve my Lord?" When it comes to the way we dress, may we remember to ask ourselves, "Will this defile and contaminate other people's spirit? Is my dress reflecting Christ-likeness?" When it comes to the activities we partake in with friends, whether Christian or nonchristian, may we remember to ask ourselves,"is this defiling their/my spirit and body? is this activity honoring or dishonoring God?" May we apply these questions to every part of our lives.

In spiritual warfare, as we grow in Christ, it increasingly becomes a matter of holiness or unholiness, set apart or not set apart, carnal or godly. Even in the physical wars we have today, it's not wrong to be careless and step on a land mine, but it'll cost you your life. So today in our spiritual lives, in the spiritual warfare that goes on around us whether we believe in it or not, some things are no longer about right and wrong, but about life and death to our spiritual lives. If we don't proceed with caution and alertness, comparing each activity, thought, and mindset to Biblical standards, God's standards, we may be killing ourselves spiritually and not even know it.


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