to risk our lives for

July 24, 2012
I'm amused. Why are people still going to watch The Dark Knight Rises given the fear that recent events can instill in human beings? I find it very intriguing to read tweets or responses of 'watching the Dark Knight Rises...scared for my life', etc. If you're scared, why you watching? I've got a few conjectures.
1. They're not afraid because 'it won't happen to me'. But if you're going to say 'it won't happen to me', then it must have crossed your mind that it MIGHT just happen to you, and you've just been able to convince yourself & overcome that fear of it MIGHT happening to you by saying that it simply won't.

2. They are afraid but the movie is worth it in their eyes. Many people have been waiting for this movie like the loyal fans they are. And despite the threat of being shot & potentially killed, watching this movie in theaters is worth it, instead of waiting for it to come out on DVD.  They fear but they are willing to take the chance to watch this movie, a movie viewed as worth dying for, in some sense. "At least I'll see the ending of the trilogy...."

3. They are afraid but they're not going to let fear dictate their lives. Sounds pretty good as a stance. But this is pretty similar to #2. Is the movie so alluring that one will consciously choose to say 'I will not let fear dictate my life!' and head on out to watch the movie? Are people watching the movie for the sake of conquering their fears? Most likely not... they're watching it because they simply want to watch it and that want has trumped their fears.

All in all, I think despite a person being scared or not, a person chooses to watch the movie in theaters simply because they want to, and they will do so despite however they may feel about the potential risk on their lives. If we want something enough, we will convince ourselves logically or emotionally that it's worth us getting ahold of. If a guy / girl likes a girl/guy enough and really wants to, they'll be able to 'see' signs of that other person liking them back. Such is human nature - we know what we want & we'll convince ourselves it's worth getting.
Such loyalty to a movie! Such attraction & allure to it! It says something about the entertainment media industry's hold on us. And it says something about our human nature.

If only Christ will one day find us to be such loyal followers! Risking it all, even our very lives, for Him! Jesus Christ - the only one worth dying for - how much are we willing to risk for Him? Are we willing to sacrifice friendships, jobs, the prospect of marriage, family to gain Christ? We will not be willing if we don't find Christ worth it. And we must seriously ask ourselves if Christ is worth everything to us or not because there will come a day when that is all put to the test - and our true heart & intentions will be revealed - and we will be proved to be either liars or conquerors. If we truly want Christ, our lives, our actions, our words - they will inevitably reveal it. And vice versa. What do our eyes light up at? What do we preoccupy our days and time with? What do we find worth spending our precious time upon?  May these be a self reflection of what truly sits upon the throne of our hearts - my wants/desires/plans or God.

Oh to just taste & see even a BIT of God, and I can assure you that all else loses taste, meaning & allure. To touch God even a little bit, is to want to encounter, experience, and know Him even more.  To taste & see His goodness, His grace, His love will pale all other things in comparison - we will not so easily risk our lives (or convince ourselves to) for the things of the world when we truly experience and encounter He who is truly worth our risking our entire lives for.


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